Standards of Conduct as a member of the NKBA
In order to maintain the dignity of our profession,
to assure public confidence in our industry, and to render proper service to individuals and the public, it is the duty of
the owners, executives, and employees of each member firm of the NKBA - National Kitchen & Bath Association to: - Conduct all work and business affairs with fairness to all concerned, fidelity to clients and suppliers,
and devotion to high ideals of personal honor;
- Accept compensation for a particular service or in particular business
dealings from one source only, except with the full knowledge and consent of all interested persons;
- Make no false
or misleading statements to the public, to employers, to employees, or to those with whom we maintain business relationships;
- Disclose all interest charges, carrying charges, and fees, and to uphold all laws and regulations pertaining to the
business and professional activity;
- Assist the client in understanding and obtaining the full measure of the services
and rights expressed or implied in contracts, agreements, or warranties;
- Conduct all business activity without prejudice,
as to age, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, handicap, or veteran status;
- Refrain
from using unfair means to win professional advancement disseminating any malicious information concerning any person or firm;
or using improper or questionable methods of soliciting professional work or sales; and
- Cooperate in advancing the
kitchen and bathroom industry by voluntarily exchanging information and experience with fellow members and by contributing
to the work of educational groups, schools, and public and trade press, without disclosing confidential matters.
Standards of Conduct have been adopted to promote and maintain the highest standards of business conduct and professional
service among the members of the NKBA - National Kitchen & Bath Association. Adherence to these Standards of Conduct is
required for membership in the NKBA - Association and serves to assure public confidence in the integrity and service of members
of the NKBA - Association.